Medicare Fee Calculator 2003 (Single User CD-ROM) Local Version: di American Medical Association edito da American Medical Association Press

Medicare Fee Calculator 2003 (Single User CD-ROM) Local Version:





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Descrizione Medicare Fee Calculator 2003 (Single User CD-ROM) Local Version:

A simple to use Windows-based program, Medicare Fee Calculator CD-ROM 2003 displays reimbursement amounts for CPT codes for both facility and non-facility settings, HCPCS, and Clinical Lab codes using Physician's, Durable Medical Equipment and the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory fee schedules. Simply choose a Medicare locality from the local version during set-up, or select any locality across the country from the national version, and fees are automatically adjusted and displayed.Medicare Fee Calculator performs calculations based on the user's conversion factor against the RBRVS. Schedules are exportable -- to be used with billing and spreadsheet programs. Great for RBRVS based contracts!

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€ 102.00

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