Medea S Daughters: Forming and Performing the Woman Who Kil di Jennifer Jones edito da Ohio State University Press

Medea S Daughters: Forming and Performing the Woman Who Kil





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Descrizione Medea S Daughters: Forming and Performing the Woman Who Kil

Jennifer Jones's intriguing book explores the legal, cultural, and dramatic representations of six accused murderesses to look at howEnglish-speaking society responded to controlled anxiety over famale transgressions. The woman who kills, in particular, the woman who kills a member of her opwn family has not only broken the law, she has also violated gender expectations Jones argues that dramatic presentations of criminal women, especially women who kill, proliferate during times of heightened feminist activity and that theartical narratives, as evidenced in plays, television, and films, serve to contain women and deflect attention away from issues of women's systematic repression." Medea's Daughters focuses on six women (Lizzie Borden, Susan Smith, and Louise Wood-ward best known), whose murder trials caught the attention of their respective cultures. This broad specturm allows an examination of how women's legal status has evolved over five centuries.

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