Measuring Progress Towards Sustainability di Rajib Mukherjee, Debalina Sengupta, Subhas K. Sikdar edito da Springer International Publishing
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Measuring Progress Towards Sustainability

A Treatise For Engineers





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Descrizione Measuring Progress Towards Sustainability

This book is a state of the art treatise on what has been done so far on measuring sustainability for decision making. Contributions will appeal to engineers and scientists engaged in technology development, assessment, and verification. Researchers working on engineering sustainability are likely to get ideas for further research in quantifying sustainability for industrial systems. Concepts described can be applied across all scales, from process technology to global sustainability; and challenges and limitations are also addressed. Readers will discover important insights about simulation-based approaches to process design and quantitative measurement techniques of sustainability for business and technology systems. Most of the examples and case studies are from chemical enterprises but the methodologies presented could be applicable to any system for which quantitative data for indicators are available, and the choice of the set ofindicators of sustainability are comprehensive.

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