A Means to an End: The Hustle di Jai Darlene, Donisha Derice edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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A Means to an End: The Hustle





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Descrizione A Means to an End: The Hustle

Hustling is easy for Beau and Bella Jones because it runs through their veins thicker than blood. For years the sisters live luxuriously doing just that. However, chaos ensues when someone fails to stick to the script. A brush with death is all it takes for Beau to want to abandon the hustle for a peaceful and normal life. Bella, on the other hand, does not see quitting as an option. She remains knee-deep in the game until she falls in love and wants out. Nonetheless, when both of the sisters are out and they think they are done forever ghosts of the past soon return to haunt them threatening to tear their worlds apart and ultimately ruin them. Bella and Beau have two choices: either hustle their way out of catastrophe, or watch their happily-ever-afters become casualties of the hustle. Nonstop parties, sex, and fast living are all a part of the game's allure. But the crazed stalkers, deadly car chases, and murders that come along with it are much more than the sisters bargained for. Bella and Beau quickly learn that what started out as a means to an end doesn't mean anything if you have to risk losing yourself and everything you love in the process.

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