Me | You A 52 Week Guide Toward Making Appreciation Simple and Habitual at the Office di Trisha Harp edito da
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Me | You A 52 Week Guide Toward Making Appreciation Simple and Habitual at the Office






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Descrizione Me | You A 52 Week Guide Toward Making Appreciation Simple and Habitual at the Office

Research shows that when a business incorporates a value-based recognition system-a program that specifies ways to show appreciation for its employees' work and contributions-there is less turnover, higher employee engagement, and an increase in the bottom line. The goal of this book is to open the lines of communication between you and the individuals you work with. Do you enjoy things that make you laugh, sentimental trinkets or notes, interest in your personal life or are a smile and nod enough to bring you joy? The Golden Rule as we know it, isn't always golden. Quite the opposite. If we really want to give to others, we shouldn't treat them as we want to be treated. We should treat them as they want to be treated. My hope for you is to increase your "bottom line" both at home and at your office by becoming more aware of how those in your life want to be treated-and then acting on that awareness. This year of exercises is also for you to learn about yourself and how you want to be treated.

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