Me di Ron Pearson edito da AUSTIN MACAULEY
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Be A Devil – Give It A Go





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Descrizione Me

Ron Pearson was born in Bramley, Leeds on August 12, 1924. He began writing this book on August 12, 2021, his 97th birthday. After a childhood beset by illness, he left school at 14, and took a job packing parcels in a multiple tailoring factory, not for him. He moved on to packing parcels general muggins at an advertising agency at 50 pence a week, which he loved. His career in advertising was interrupted by a four-and-a-half-year spell in the army on 'Special Operations'. Returning to civvy street, his career culminated in being appointed Managing Director and then Chairman of one of Yorkshire's most respected advertising agencies. He was a local actor for almost 50 years including the renowned Bradford Alhambra and Playhouse. There are some sad moments outnumbered by many hilarious ones. Ron's beloved wife, Pat, died in 2017 after 66 years of happy marriage. The list of 'celebrities' he has met is impressive, including Princess Margaret, Prince Charles, Hollywood's Marlene Dietrich, George Raft, Sir Ralph Richardson, George Best, Jackie Charlton, Harry Worth, Alan Bennett etc.

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