Mayhem At The Hampton Classic di Glen Berkowitz edito da Iuniverse
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Mayhem At The Hampton Classic

A Gabriel Fortuna Hamptons Adventure







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Descrizione Mayhem At The Hampton Classic

Gabe Fortuna, a retired city cop living in The Hamptons, just can't seem to avoid trouble, or is it that trouble cannot avoid him. After healing from gunshot wounds received in the solving of the Al Shareef Murder, he agrees to get back into the game and meet with an old friend at a trendy new place owned by some newcomers to The Hamptons, a new place called Tatiana's. It is there he encounters an unwelcome face from the past he would like to forget and a woman he would like to know better. One thing leads to another, and Gabe finds himself in it up to his neck with the Russian mob, an international terror organization named TRASH, incredibly beautiful women, Homeland Security and his own self-doubts, the one thing he has never had to battle before. Can Gabe rise to the occasion and save The Hamptons and his country? Even he's not sure, and that's a first.

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