Mathematical Methods in Physics di Samuel D Lindenbaum edito da WSPC
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Mathematical Methods in Physics







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Descrizione Mathematical Methods in Physics

This new book on Mathematical Methods In Physics is intended to be used for a 2-semester course for first year MA or PhD physics graduate students, or senior undergraduates majoring in physics, engineering or other technically related fields. Emphasis has been placed on physics applications, included where appropriate, to complement basic theories. Applications include moment of inertia in "Tensor Analysis" Maxwell's equations, magnetostatic, stress tensor, continuity equation and heat flow in "fields" special and spherical harmonics in "Hilbert Space" electrostatics, hydrodynamics and Gamma function in "Complex Variable Theory" vibrating string, vibrating membrane and harmonic oscillator in "Ordinary Differential Equations" age of the earth and temperature variation of the earth's surface in "Heat Conduction" and field due to a moving point charge (Liénard-Wiechart potentials) in "Wave Equations". Subject not usually found in standard mathematical physics texts include Theory of Curves in Space in "Vector Analysis", and Retarded and Advanced D-Functions in "Wave Equations". Lastly, problem solving techniques are presented by way of appendices, comprising 75 pages of problems with their solutions. These problems provide applications as well as extensions to the theory. A useful compendium, with such excellent features, will surely make it a key reference text.

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