The Master Is Calling: Discovering the Wonders of Spirit-Led Prayer di Lynne Hammond edito da WHITAKER HOUSE
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The Master Is Calling: Discovering the Wonders of Spirit-Led Prayer

Discovering The Wonders Of Spirit-led Prayer





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Descrizione The Master Is Calling: Discovering the Wonders of Spirit-Led Prayer

"The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."--James 5:16 NKJVIn The Master Is Calling, author Lynn Hammond offers a powerful biblical perspective on prayer that takes you to the heart of meaningful, effective, and joyful communion with God. She presents a victorious approach to worship, intercession, petition, and spiritual warfare that will revitalize your Christian life.In this revealing book, you will discover the secrets to...* Developing a deeper prayer life* Relying on the Holy Spirit's guidance* Dispelling your anxieties about prayer* Discerning your most crucial prayer needs* Compiling prayer victories rather than prayer lists* Interceding effectively for family and friends* Enriching your life through prayer* Ministering the gifts of the Spirit* Reaching the heart of GodYou can have the desires of your heart and play an outstanding role in fulfilling God's will on the earth. As you understand these biblical principles, you will experience the joy of true fellowship with the Lord and be tremendously effective in prayer through His grace and power!

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