Mars Memorandum: One Woman's Sexual Oydssey di David Paul Mitchell edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Mars Memorandum: One Woman's Sexual Oydssey

One Woman's Sexual Oydssey







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Descrizione Mars Memorandum: One Woman's Sexual Oydssey

What is Sexus; or rather sex us? The presumption is a misnomer. The Sexus are extraordinarily beautiful women, but cold as ice towards men. A race of genetically altered females fabricated in the twenty sixth century, and incorporating the best attributes of sex appeal and wit to conquer men. The Sexus are non-human, or rather fake; a new bio-form structured with synthetic DNA. These humaniods control earth civilization in the future through politics and the changing of the old male ego-centric standard. The Brotherhood is the last bastion of the male ego unchecked by the Sexus. The Brotherhood reside in the Middle East al Qaida blocs. The Sexus ultimate goal is to erase Man and the male ego, and with it, warfare; but to end warfare, one must war a little bit, or perhaps a lot, and so the saga begins... Sexus immerse and saturate their society with a perverted sadist sub-culture thinly veiled in a show known as Pearl; its the most successful broadcast endeavor ever. A format where Sexus dominatrixes prove their worth on shackled male slaves while performing explicit sexual acts. Pearl produces revues to support the war effort with paying voyeurs while perpetuating genocide against males, but more interesting than this bizarre twist are the relationships conjured from the interaction of lovers, friends, and foes against a background to win the Chromosome Conflict. The characters are at times, violent, sexually provocative, and even comical. Experience a new saga as Adam and Eve vie in a one-on-one duel for rulership of the earth in a contest refereed by a computer A.I. known as the Galactic Omnipresent Disseminator, or simply put; G.O.D. What is the Mars Memorandum, and why will it change earth history as not known for hundreds of centuries if Eve can release it with victory?

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