Marketing: A Managerial Perspective di STELLA STEPHENSON edito da LARSEN & KELLER EDUCATION
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Marketing: A Managerial Perspective





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Descrizione Marketing: A Managerial Perspective

The study and management of exchange relationships is known as marketing. It is a business process that focuses on creating relationships with customers and fulfilling their expectations. Marketing is one of the fundamental and essential components of business management. Some of the major aspects of marketing are market orientations, marketing mix and deciding the methods which will be used to market the product. The most common market orientations are product, sales, production, etc. Marketing mix refers to the set of actions which a company uses to promote its brand. This book is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about the theory and practice of marketing. While understanding the long-term perspectives of the topics, the book makes an effort in highlighting their impact as a modern tool for the growth of the discipline. It will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.

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