Marketing of Agricultural Produce in Nigeria: A Case of Grains di Hindatu Bako A. edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Marketing of Agricultural Produce in Nigeria: A Case of Grains

A Case Of Grains





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Descrizione Marketing of Agricultural Produce in Nigeria: A Case of Grains

Nigeria has a total population of 120 Million (NPC, 2006) and about 70% are engaged in Agriculture. Many writers are of the opinion that despite the dominance of Agricultural products in Nigeria, food security for the teeming population cannot be guaranteed if there is no efficient marketing system for agricultural produce. The bulky nature of agricultural produce coupled with the scattered nature of the production units, the distance between production and consumption areas makes agricultural marketing more complicated. The research finding show that grain marketing in the study area was profitable during the period under review. A gross margin of N1,229,820,000 was recorded in 2001, N1,826,190,000 in 2002, N1,398,725,000 in 2003, N1,975,985,000 in 2004, N1,741,470,000 in 2005 and N423,285,000 in 2006. Marketing efficiency was 69.26% in 2001, 62.74% in 2002, 71% in 2003, 69.06% in 2004, 69.67% in 2005, and 90%.69% in 2006. Even though grain market was profitable, it was not efficient. Grain marketing is also affected by problem, such as transportation, storage, inadequate, credit, multiple taxes and long channel of distribution.

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