Marie Corelli A Romance Of Two Wor di CORELLI MARIE edito da Edinburgh University Press
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Marie Corelli A Romance Of Two Wor

A Novel





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Descrizione Marie Corelli A Romance Of Two Wor

A new scholarly edition of a major late-Victorian scientific romance novel Marie Corelli's A Romance of Two Worlds is regarded as one of the most culturally important Victorian bestsellers. This critical edition offers instructive access to this multifaceted but still largely underappreciated novel that is a key text for scholars and students of late-Victorian women's writing. It also raises urgent questions about a wide array of textual and cultural concerns, especially the form and function of the Victorian 'bestseller'. In addition to the full text, the volume contains a thorough critical and analytical introduction, annotations and appendices to provide context and underline the aesthetic significance of Corelli's supernatural romance. Andrew Radford is Lecturer in Anglo-American Literature at the University of Glasgow. Cover image: Cover design: [EUP logo] ISBN 978-1-4744-4191-9 Barcode

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