Of Margaret and Madness: A Novel Inspired by True Events di Stephen Jon Postal, Guia Dino Postal edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Of Margaret and Madness: A Novel Inspired by True Events

A Novel Inspired by True Events







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Descrizione Of Margaret and Madness: A Novel Inspired by True Events

American novelists Stephen Postal and Guia Dino Postal tell the riveting and spellbinding sensuous and passionate love story of Canadian short story writer and novelist, schizophrenic Margaret Carrington in her relationship with American, Steve Mansfield. In spite of her pain and uphill battle against lifetime mental illness, she became a famous writer and award winner.. She was repeatedly raped, had two bad and unhappy, sometimes violent marriages, fought a legal custody battle for her son, and had many painful and sometimes dangerous relationships with psychiatrists, mental patients, gay and straight males and females, employers and lovers. Margaret survived many suicide attempts, heard deadly destructive voices in her head and even spoke in multiple schizophrenic voices. She spent many months in and out of mental hospitals. . Steve Mansfield was an intricate part of her story for more than 35 years. He was like a moth attracted to a hot and bright flame in his love relationship with Margaret. Much of this exciting story takes place in the turbulent 1960's, which was characterized by anti-Vietnam war demonstrations, draft dodging, free-love, drugs and open sex. --544 pages----- 27 illustrations

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