Many Facets of Love di Heather Lealan edito da New Generation Publishing
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Many Facets of Love





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Descrizione Many Facets of Love

Many Facets of Love is a profound journey into the world of the spiritual through a personalised account of such experiences. Drawing on her own life, Lealan shares her ideas and thoughts on the relationship between the spiritual world and the material world - the link between soul and body. Concepts borrowed from non-Western religions and the occult permeate the discussion: karmic consciuosness, seances, second sight, telepathy, among others. How do our attitudes to our lives and circumatances affect our physical health and well-being? How will hypochondria, neurosis, bitterness or overriding ambition influence a person and his or her life? How does one ensure the maximisation of happiness, satisfaction, or success? Many Facets of Love is written with compassion and understanding - an open dialogue with all those who desire to explore further afield and reach a better understanding of themselves and their position within the corporeal world through the mataphysical one.

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