Manna from Hell di Peter Hussey edito da Page Publishing, Inc.
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Manna from Hell





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Descrizione Manna from Hell

A Bulgarian crop researcher goes to help a famine village in Sudan. He spends years irradiating crop seeds with neutrons to increase their yields. He only gets incremental results until he grows despondent during a brutal famine and abandons his usual cautious protocols. Incredibly, this results in a staggering bounty--an unexplainable "Manna from Heaven." However, a bloodthirsty general destroys the village and imprisons the Bulgarian while forcing him to work supporting his plans. To make matters worse, soon a mysterious and deadly syndrome starts spreading within the region's people and grows to threaten the lives of millions. Is it somehow related to the agricultural miracle? A newly minted French epidemiologist and an American journalist team up to investigate only to eventually discover that the heavenly bounty is really a "manna from hell."

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