Managing child soldiers in Africa : The Case of Uganda di Eunice Akullo edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Managing child soldiers in Africa : The Case of Uganda

The Case Of Uganda





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Descrizione Managing child soldiers in Africa : The Case of Uganda

Despite the wide condemnation of the recruitment of children into armed forces by state and non-state actors, the act has continued to take place. A number of approaches have been derived to manage the problem. There are also legislations in p;ace to protect children from recruitment Managing child soldiers in Africa; a case of Uganda looks at the context of the child soldier problem, it discusses the various legislations meant to protect children and then contextualize the difference approaches that have been used to manage them. The case of children used in the L.R.A war that lasted for close to 20 years is reviewed. The book examines the alternative processes that have been used to handle former these child soldiers in the post conflict context. The traditional Justice approach (Mato Oput) used mainly in Acholi sub-region of Uganda is explained. This book is relevant for readers interested in conflict and those who are involved in child protection and peace building.

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