Managing Business Interfaces di Amiya K. Chakravarty, Jehoshua Eliashberg edito da Springer US
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Managing Business Interfaces

Marketing And Engineering Issues In The Supply Chain And Internet Domains


Springer US





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Descrizione Managing Business Interfaces

Integration is an important and practical matter in today's globalized commerce. This has led companies and organizations to place increasing emphasis on creating a seamless workflow environment from one business function to another. The academic research community recognizes the importance of providing problem-solving direction to the different, and sometimes conflicting, functional perspectives of marketing, engineering, logistics, and manufacturing. The research streams that characterize these issues are in the domain of business interfaces. These include the benefits of coordination, new product development, product portfolio management, supply chain coordination, and partnerships and collaboration in the internet space. Managing Business Interfaces: Marketing, Engineering, and Manufacturing Perspectives provides state-of-the-art summary as well as new thoughts in managing business interfaces. Through eleven invited chapters, it brings together the latest developments in leading edge research related to new product development, supply chain management, e-business operations, and field studies.

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