Man's Question, God's Answer: The Ultimate Counselor's Book di Lu Ann Bransby edito da WHITAKER HOUSE
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Man's Question, God's Answer: The Ultimate Counselor's Book

The Ultimate Counselor's Book





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Descrizione Man's Question, God's Answer: The Ultimate Counselor's Book

Filled with discussions on more than 200 topics and issues that separate us from the perfect will of God, Man's Question, God's Answer is not just a book for counsellors. It is also a vital and powerful tool for personal evangelism. LuAnn Bransby has designed this book to reveal the consequences of sin as well as the blessings of God to those who overcome. Its easy-to-use format will help you take control over your life and circumstances, and help others who face similar problems and issues. If you are searching for the right answer to a difficult situation or sinful behavior, this is the book to read!

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