Making Love in the Kitchen di Tim Heitz edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Making Love in the Kitchen







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Descrizione Making Love in the Kitchen

Making "Love" In the Kitchen is a collection of gourmet recipes for not only the basic home cook, but the more experienced and serious gourmet cook as well. With recipes ranging in different cuisines and everything from appetizers to vegetarian meals, it is something for everyone. There are plenty more recipes in my storage bank for future volumes 2-7 and more advanced and semi-complicated meals, too. While Volume 1 may not have as many different types of meats to sample, it is more an introduction to upscale dining without the types of recipes to drive people away. The ingredients can mainly be found in regular supermarkets with a few ingredients to be found in local produce stands and fresh markets. There are also substitution ideas along the way for sauces and protein selections for those who may not like the particular one listed. Instead of taking the time to make your own demiglaze sauce, which takes anywhere from 8-30 hours depending on the chef, use simple brown gravy packets and follow the other steps for the same result. The consumer I can guarantee will not have access to the same plateware, but use whatever you have to garnish the dishes as you like. Plus the starches and vegetables with each entree can also be substituted to accommodate their preferences. Whoever said you can't please everyone apparently has not read my book before. Truly, this is a book I can be proud of and one people should have in their collections.

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