Making a Living Vs Making a Dying di David A. Pierotti edito da Balboa Press
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Making a Living Vs Making a Dying

How to Do What You Love and Love What You Do


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Making a Living Vs Making a Dying

Everyone has magnificence deep inside them. Whether it's lying dormant or being expressed could mean the difference between barely living and living an extraordinary life. We are all involved in some kind of work; unfortunately, many people are stuck in jobs they hate. It's up to us to channel whatever inspires us into creative and meaningful services to humanity. Dr David has studied the great Eastern and Western traditions-psychology, physics, biology, and science-as well as the lives of many of the people who have created lasting joy through their work. The fruits of this research have produced his nine easy-to-follow steps to creating a life you love. If you have a desire to get paid handsomely to do the things that inspire you, this book is for you.

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