Making Group Work Easy di Steven A. Schiola edito da Rowman & Littlefield Education
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Making Group Work Easy

The Art Of Successful Facilitation





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Descrizione Making Group Work Easy

This book teaches a process that will help both teachers and administrators plan for and conduct meetings that are meaningful, useful, and that generate results. The place to start this work is before the meeting even begins. A careful look at the purposes of the meeting, the working agreements that the group will use, and the agenda will provide the framework for a successful outcome. Once learned, this structure can be used again and again. In addition, you will learn what to do in those cases when decorum breaks down, or you can't reach consensus, or a member of the group is not cooperating. You will also learn decision-making techniques that allow meaningful participation by all members of the group and how to prioritize a number of efforts. The effective structure of meetings along with other techniques to employ when things go wrong will make anyone an effective meeting facilitator!

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