Make Yourself Great Again Part 2 - How Things Really Work di Robert C. Worstell edito da
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Make Yourself Great Again Part 2 - How Things Really Work






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Descrizione Make Yourself Great Again Part 2 - How Things Really Work

The One Reason For Success - and Failure - Lies Within You Have you ever had a complete melt-down, a real failure of your world-view, where the world has gone to hell and stayed there? Sad to tell you: it's your own damned fault. What makes it worse is to find out that everything you ever needed to succeed is already programmed into you - and has been since you were born. What's In Part II: - Get introduced to the actual world, the one that the authorities have been hiding. It has it's own rules. - Learn them and start to find the villains which have been keeping you down. - Discover why only a handful each generation makes themselves great. - See how the culture itself is rigged to keep you from ever climbing to your native-born success. The trick to this is that we can change and improve our beliefs at any time. We only have to decide to do it and then do it. This book lays out the journey ahead. The second best time to start is today. Get Your Copy Now.

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