Make: Volume 84 di Dale Dougherty edito da MAKER COMMUNITY LLC
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Make: Volume 84





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Descrizione Make: Volume 84

What's new in digital fabrication? So much! In Make: Vol. 84 we show you how adding dedicated SBCs, like a Raspberry Pi, make 3D printers vastly smarter and up to five times faster. New laser engravers can cut metal for under $2,000, and cheap workhorse diode lasers are everywhere. Pro-level 3D scanning is on your phone, and 3D design software has a flavor for every style of maker. Now's the time to level up! Plus, we dive into how makers can (ethically) use generative A.I. to create audio, images, text, code, and 3D models for your next project! Plus, 23 Projects & Skills, including: Build a $30 Vertical Wind Turbine Create Wearable Soft Speakers Wow your friends with a DIY Ambient TV Backlight Sew decorative Light-Up Zodiac Embroidery Get involved with Amateur Radio and Software Defined Radio (SDR) And much more!

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