Make More Money! di Jack Worth Milligan edito da iUniverse
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Make More Money!

The Fine Art of Asking ... Most Don't







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Descrizione Make More Money!

What if someone told you that seventy-five percent of the people who could negotiate an employment offer fail to do it? You'd probably want to know if you were among them, and if so, how you could ask for more money-and have a good chance at getting it. Jack W. Milligan, an expert on human resources, tackles those questions and more in this guidebook to asking for and getting the salary you deserve. Learn how to: ¿ discern the difference between rated and ranged jobs; ¿ maximize salary upon employment without losing the offer; and ¿ demonstrate your negotiating skills before you even begin working. While it may be difficult to resist the urge to accept an offer when it's made-especially if you've been out of work for any length of time-it's essential that you resist that urge. Failing to do so will leave a honeypot full of money on the table. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that when the time comes, you'll be fully equipped to negotiate for the best offer possible with the strategies in Make More Money.

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