Make Money Work For You--Instead of You Working for It di William Thomason edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Make Money Work For You--Instead of You Working for It

Lessons From A Portfolio Manager





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Descrizione Make Money Work For You--Instead of You Working for It

An invaluable primer to the world of investing Money Lessons from a Money Manager speaks directly to the individual who wants to manage their own investment portfolio just like a professional portfolio manager would. Written by portfolio manager William Thomason, this comprehensive guide provides professional investment advice on how to identify, research and ultimately purchase profitable investments. The book covers such subjects as fundamental analysis, understanding financial statements and financial ratios, when to buy and sell, portfolio construction and various investment strategies that readers can use to manage their own money just like a professional portfolio manager. Easy to read and informative, this book is a valuable resource for readers looking to take their first steps in the world of professional portfolio management for themselves.

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