Make Money, Not Excuses: Wake Up, Take Charge, and Overcome Your Financial Fears Forever di Jean Chatzky edito da THREE RIVERS PR
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Make Money, Not Excuses: Wake Up, Take Charge, and Overcome Your Financial Fears Forever

Wake Up, Take Charge, and Overcome Your Financial Fears Forever





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Descrizione Make Money, Not Excuses: Wake Up, Take Charge, and Overcome Your Financial Fears Forever

Get Rich, Don't BitchToday, more than ever before, wealth is something every woman has the power to create. Yet Jean Chatzky constantly hears all the excuses why women can't and don't master their money. Now, she reveals the secrets and the strategies she created to take control of her own money-strategies through which she gained her "money confidence.” It's time for you to find yours!In Make Money, Not Excuses Jean shares these valuable lessons:• Where to start• How to get over your "I'm not smart enough to deal with money” feelings• Why being a "good-enough investor” will make more money for you in the long-term (while trying to be a "great investor” will drive you crazy)• How (and where) to save your money• Why women make better investors--and higher returns--than men• How to track where you're overspending• How to pay off your debtJean is unsurpassed in her ability to explain money and investing in simple, straightforward ways. Here she breaks down the scariest parts of dealing with money-from investing in stocks to saving for your retirement-and makes them practical, easy, empowering, and, yes, even enjoyable. This is your road map to real wealth."Chatzky writes like the smart, candid best friend you wish you had.”-Newsweek

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