Maiden's Stone di Drew Brinson edito da iUniverse
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Maiden's Stone







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Descrizione Maiden's Stone

In 1515, Thomas Lillard gave up Knighthood and Scotland. He sailed to France where he married a beautiful French woman. It seemed that the fates had smiled upon Evett. That God had heard her prayers. The two settled on a large plot of land in the Loire River Valley. Thomas became known for his vineyard and fine wines. The English he had fought against called upon him for his vintage. But everything was not as it seemed on the surface. Thomas's real mission was one of secrecy. The vineyard was just a cover for the Scots Garde to practice the ancient arts of Scottish battle. Thomas and Evett's daughter, Rene, would change the course of history for the Scots Garde. A descendant of Joan of Arc, she would live to fight with her father's men, teach them another way of fighting, and fall in love. Rene wanted to be with Jared more than anything in the world. Fate led them back to Scotland. What was written long ago was sealed. Somewhere out in the deepest reaches of space and time, the stars were waiting. Today the words are upon the Maiden's Stone.

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