The Magical World of Victoria, the Friendly Ghost di Dean Rowell edito da New Generation Publishing
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The Magical World of Victoria, the Friendly Ghost





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Descrizione The Magical World of Victoria, the Friendly Ghost

Two children, Isabel and Peter come to stay at Backworth Manor near Applethorpe with their Aunt Emma. It is the Victorian times, and they meet Victoria, the friendly ghost who becomes their friend. She sings, she dances, vanishes and re-appears and spreads happiness and charm wherever she goes. Soon there are adventures! Isabel and Peter meet the Wizard and travel back in time with Victoria, to the Great Hall of King Henry VIII at Hampton Court. They help two orphans John and Hilda who are hiding at Backworth Manor. A young boy Jimmy listens to the sound of the Magic Tree and is well again for the first time. Pixie friends, Timon and Aster from Pixie Cottage together with Victoria and the children arrange a musical concert and they are helped by the Wizard. Why not come along with Isabel and Peter and join in these happy adventures full of fun and laughter and enter the 'Magical World of Victoria, the Friendly Ghost!'

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