Magical Management in the Classroom di Linda Marie Gilliam edito da Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
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Magical Management in the Classroom

Using Humor To Speak Their Language





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Descrizione Magical Management in the Classroom

The organizing and management of your classroom at school can be very daunting, and depending upon your comfort level, a little scary! Children often can be a real challenge in teaching if you do not speak their language. We as teachers and parents need not to be afraid in acting a little silly, and even goofy when dealing with children. Research shows that humor promotes learning and when used appropriately, it can strengthen relationships of all shapes and sizes. Administrators, teachers, and parents who are dedicated to the best interests, social development, and academic success of their children can accomplish great things by using a wide variety of creatively humorous approaches, including rhymes, chants, riddles, nonsensical speech, jokes, banter, anecdotes, games, and even self-effacing commentary, to make valuable connections and enhance learning.

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