The Magical Adventures of Red Heart and the Shapes di Anaelle Florent edito da Anaelle Florent
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The Magical Adventures of Red Heart and the Shapes



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Descrizione The Magical Adventures of Red Heart and the Shapes

"The Magical Adventures of Red Heart and the Shapes" is enriched with valuable life lessons, carefully crafted to educate children and help them understand the foundation of compassion and kindness toward others. The objective of the story is to provide a clear contrast of what should be practiced and which behavior patterns should be avoided during the days of early growth and explain how mindful actions and decisions could impact life positively and improve the understanding of the value of facing challenges with a courageous approach towards life. This book is a perfect gift for kids ages 3-8. They will quickly learn the different shapes and color mixtures with a magical twist added to the text. Are you ready to find out what happened with Heart and her friends with their exciting magical adventures of color changes?Beautifully illustrated An ideal book for early readers

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