The Magic Blueberry Bush di Gabriella Zorzi Ryan edito da MILL CITY PR INC
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The Magic Blueberry Bush





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Descrizione The Magic Blueberry Bush

The Magic Blueberry Bush is an old fashioned fairy tale with a moral for children: it's better to give than to receive. It starts with a "once upon a time" and ends with an "and they lived happily ever after." It has a fairy that grants wishes, and a family with a boy, a girl, and a cat. It's funny, but sad and happy. Kids and parents will love it! Lia finds a fairy in a blueberry bush that grants her 3 wishes. The first two are for toys and desserts, but they don't end up so well. The third is the wish that shows that she's learned to give rather than to receive. Gabriella Zorzi Ryan is originally from Montagnana, Italy, but has been living in the USA since she was 6 years old. She has lived in Chicago, Los Angeles, and currently is in Richmond, Virginia. She wrote this, her first children's book, for her grandchildren, Ryan and Lia, with love. Gabriella has degrees in Mathematics and Piano Performance, but writing has always been her hobby. She is a church organist and piano teacher, who teaches about 20 children of all ages, from 4 - 84. She also loves gardening and cooking, and is eager to begin her next book!

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