Lure of the Trade Winds di Jeannine Talley edito da iUniverse
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Lure of the Trade Winds

Two Women Sailing the Pacific Ocean







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Descrizione Lure of the Trade Winds

Lure of the Trade Winds: Two Women Sailing the Pacific Ocean transports readers to a place where few have gone before: aboard a thirty-four-foot boat, cruising the Pacific Ocean. Join author Jeannine Talley, as she and her sailing partner, Joy Smith, embark on the journey of a lifetime. Each day is a new adventure aboard the Banshee. Talley and her partner are stranded on a reef in Vanuatu, contract malaria, rescue a wrecked boat, visit a skull site in the Solomon Islands, and journey to remote islands whose inhabitants still bear the scars of a brutal colonial past. When their electronic navigational equipment is lost in a storm, they must use sextant navigation, depending entirely on sun sights, to make a long passage north from the South Pacifi c to Micronesia. In Lure of the Trade Winds, the two women travel to some of the most remote areas of the world and interact with the inhabitants within their social settings. They unravel some of the world's mysteries, plunge into the unknown, and come face to face with some of the darker aspects of legacy of colonialism. The tale of their travels proves once again that the spirit of adventure knows no bounds.

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