Luke to Theo di Clifford Samuel edito da AUSTIN MACAULEY
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Luke to Theo

Understanding Luke’s Gospel In The World Of The First Century





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Descrizione Luke to Theo

Luke's remarkable work has moved beyond its original audience. Over time it has become a means of nourishing countless individuals on their spiritual and religious journeys. Luke's gospel is valuable not only in its religious context, for it offers a captivating window into the intricacies of the first century world, its history, literature, its sacred as well as its secular beliefs. This book will be useful not only for those with a religious worldview but for undergraduate students as well as the general reader. Luke to Theo considers many thought-provoking questions. Who is this enigmatic figure we call Luke? What does he have to say about Jesus? What role does Theo play in this narrative? And just how does the author manage to engage diverse audiences from the first century right up to the present day? For both believer and sceptic alike, this book provides a framework to understand the nuances of many a biblical text. Drawing upon the latest scholarly research, the author enables readers to embark on a thought-provoking journey as literary forms and historical context enrich Luke's remarkable work.

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