Ludonarrative Synchronicity in the 'BioShock' Trilogy di Lyz Reblin-Renshaw edito da Springer International Publishing
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Ludonarrative Synchronicity in the 'BioShock' Trilogy





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Descrizione Ludonarrative Synchronicity in the 'BioShock' Trilogy

This book presents a new methodology, ludonarrative synchronicity, to analyze the interplay between narrative and gameplay in video games. Using the BioShock franchise as a case study, this book aims to show the interaction of these two elements can form various subjects. Rather than prioritizing one over the other, ludonarrative synchronicity seeks to explore how video game texts function. By analyzing a trio of games focused on choice and control, this book manages to show how players, along with developers, can create their own subjects. Ludonarrative Synchronicity in the BioShock Trilogy will appeal not only to fans of the franchise, but to students and scholars of narrative theory, game design, and posthumanism.

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