Low Gain Feedback di Zongli Lin edito da Springer London
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Low Gain Feedback





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Descrizione Low Gain Feedback

This book gives a unified and unique presentation of low gain and high gain design methodologies. In particular the development of low gain feedback design methodology is discussed. The development of both low and high gain feedback enhances the industrial relevance of modern control theory, by providing solutions to a wide range of problems that are of paramount practical importance. This detailed monograph provides the reader with a comprehensive insight into these problems: research results are examined and solutions to the problems are considered. Compared to that of high gain feedback, the power and significance of low gain feedback is not as widely recognized. The purpose of this monograph is to present some recent developments in low gain feedback, and its applications. Several low gain techniques are examined, including the control of linear systems with saturating actuators, semi-global stabilization of minimum phase input-output linearizable systems and H2 suboptimal control.

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