Loving Yourself di Cathleen R Barton edito da Urgesta AS
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Loving Yourself

Empower Yourself, Overcome Trauma


Urgesta AS



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Descrizione Loving Yourself

We are all searching for the key to happiness, but the truth is, it starts within us. The journey of self-discovery and self-love can be challenging, especially when we have faced trauma in our lives. That is why we are proud to introduce you to "Loving Yourself: Empower Yourself, Overcome Trauma". In "Loving Yourself", you will discover powerful techniques and strategies to help you heal from past hurt, build resilience, and ultimately learn to love yourself. The book is a comprehensive guide that covers a wide range of topics, including: Understanding the impact of trauma Recognizing negative thought patterns and beliefs Building self-awareness and self-compassion Overcoming obstacles to self-love and self-acceptance And much more! "Loving Yourself" is filled with practical exercises, meditations, and real-life stories that will inspire you to take control of your life and empower yourself to make positive changes. Whether you're struggling with a specific traumatic event or just feel like you need more love and acceptance in your life, this book has something for everyone. So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, grab your copy of "Loving Yourself: Empower Yourself, Overcome Trauma" today! And remember, the first step towards a happier life is loving yourself.

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