Loving People Well di Linda Rykowski M S L C P C edito da WestBow Press
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Loving People Well





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Descrizione Loving People Well

Loving People Well leads you on a healing journey from the effects of trauma to spiritual, emotional, and relational health. Linda Rykowski reveals how God's spirit took her trauma and used it to help herself as well as others. By sharing the obstacles and pain she's overcome, she reveals how to: ¿ embrace being different or even weird; ¿ overcome feelings of shame that come from abuse; ¿ confront and move past addiction; ¿ stop running away from the Lord. Throughout the book, the author poses questions for personal reflection or small group discussion. By participating in the exercises, you'll have the opportunity to come to terms with the past, forgive yourself and others, and move forward. Grow in the power of His love and help yourself and others with the wisdom in this book.

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