P.S.I Love You di Daria Kathleen Sherman, Paul Christopher Sherman edito da Lulu.com
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P.S.I Love You







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Descrizione P.S.I Love You

This is a book about change and transformation. The author expresses emotions felt and insights revealed after her 19 year old son Paul was accidentally killed in a gas tank explosion. Daria discusses "the dark night" about being fully present in the tender, wounded emptiness of our own souls. It's about not turning away from the pain but learning to rest in it. Rather than distracting our selves from the simple darkness at our core, we sit with it, paying close attention, and opening our hearts to all that is left, which is love. It is the cultivation of compassion for our suffering selves and for others who suffer the illusion of separation from the Beloved. In the dark night a quiet, formless, willingness to return emerges for when the body and mind have reached the end the spirit comes forth. A memoir includes some of Paul's writings. Included are inspired articles written by Daria from international monthly The Peaceful Times Newsletter.

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