A Love Unfulfilled di Tabitha Dellahousye edito da Lulu.com
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A Love Unfulfilled

A Phase Uncovered







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Descrizione A Love Unfulfilled

Anthony finally has the woman of his dreams in his arms for the first time in over ten years. He is desperate to make this moment last and is not above going to the extremes. Everyone will have a first love, but what happens when the love burns out? How far will you go to rekindle the flame? When the ashes settle . . . How do you: Trust again? Lust again? Love again? Alexander and Olivia have worked hard on their marriage but Alex's choice to remain friends with an ex-girlfriend, Felecia, puts their marriage in jeopardy while his wife Olivia struggles with her feelings for her first love, Anthony. Paul and LaNette - an interracial couple have built a beautiful life together but Paul secretly struggles to gain his mother's approval of this marriage and his actions are slowly pushing his wife away. A Love Unfulfilled brings to life how strong desire and unrequited love can be and its impact on these couples over the course of seven days.

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