A Love Story-For My Children di Ruth M. Lester edito da iUniverse
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A Love Story-For My Children







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Descrizione A Love Story-For My Children

A story with a difference, this poignant autobiography is filled with real life drama. Embark on a nostalgic journey through the harsh Depression era and on through the hardships of the War years to the present day. Observe the vast changes that have brought us from the rigid and moralistic society of yesterday to the vastly different liberal mindset of today. The universal thread that runs throughout lends an air of familiarity. It is difficult not to identify with one of the characters-perhaps with the young girl herself in her struggles to persevere, or with the woman she ultimately becomes. Here is a story of contrasts from the depths of despair to the pinnacle of joy-a story that defies the odds. Here is a rendering that tugs at the heartstrings. Poignant, yet redeeming, this uplifting account will serve as an inspiration to all who struggle similarly-as well as to those who love them.

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