Love Shrinks di Julie Singleton edito da Publicious Pty Ltd
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Love Shrinks





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Descrizione Love Shrinks

"Does love shrink over time or did it never really exist?" Love Shrinks explores the dramatic and controversial world of the Family Law Court. It also investigates the wonder of love and how it affects us, both consciously and subconsciously, and explores for Sarah Walters whether love shrinks over time, or if it never really existed. Sarah Walters had a brutal start to her young life by the sudden death of her parents in a car accident. As an adult, Sarah is a sophisticated celebrity family law lawyer that everyone wants on their side. She is a smart, hardworking and strikingly attractive lawyer, who regularly appears in the media. However, her perfect appearance in her ideal world is complicated and different from what it seems. As her life unwinds, she finds herself divorced and with a young daughter whose father becomes the target of criminal allegations. Being romantically pursued by one of her former and frequently divorced clients, complicates her life even further, especially when he becomes the perfect suitor that every woman can only dream of. Her past plagues her in ways she can't control. Through relationships, we see how her history has come to haunt her. She struggles to identify and repair the damage that had ultimately led to the complications in her life that she now has to solve.

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