Love Me As I Am di Synithia Williams edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Love Me As I Am





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Descrizione Love Me As I Am

Every decision Renee Caldwell makes is for the good of her family's business, including the type of men she dates. Her current goal is to grow her image as a business leader by developing a prized piece of land in the Upstate of South Carolina. Her only obstacle is Jonathan Wright, a man who makes her want to forget all her long held dating requirements and experience the passion she's been afraid to dream about. If only he wasn't accusing her of stealing his inheritance. Jonathan Wright is no stranger to being written out of his grandfather's family tree. But when the house and land his grandmother promised him is sold to Renee Caldwell, he's ready to fight for what's his. What he isn't ready for is the feelings Renee stirs within him whenever they call a cease fire. As her icy shell melts away, he finds it hard to resist the caring woman behind the calculating veneer. Except the business driven beauty is the last woman he should trust with his heart. Their attraction is hard to deny, but neither is ready to make concessions on the land or for love. When their hearts are on the line the real choice becomes going for what they want or being open to accept the love they need.

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