Love Lost di Cynthia St Aubin edito da Donna Alward
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Love Lost


Donna Alward





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Descrizione Love Lost

So now you're the Alpha. For neophyte werewolf Hanna Harvey, life is a wedge of triple crème brie. Sure, there's a group of local Furries aggressively adoring her right there in the frozen appetizer aisle and the constant complaints from high maintenance boar shifters are making any kind of work-life balance utterly impossible, but at least she's living happily ever after with her three cats and her man crush-worthy mate, Mark Abernathy. Only, Abernathy has been extra-broody lately and Hanna's attempts to uncover the cause have driven him to become more distant. When Hanna's plans to pull him out of his funk with a surprise birthday party result in a cryptid catastrophe, she has no choice but to go on the lam with ex-boyfriend, ex-detective James Morrison. Now a freelance paranormal private investigator, Morrison insists that Hanna's life is in imminent danger, and the emergence of a powerful enemy from her past only solidifies his theory. Hunted by a murderous baddie bent on vengeance, Hanna will have to risk losing those she loves most if she wants to protect the world she's worked to build as the Alpha Heir.

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