Love and Freedom di Philip Ferranti edito da iUniverse
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Love and Freedom

Pathways To Personal Transformation







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Descrizione Love and Freedom

We live in an impersonal world that is often disconnected, overloaded with information, and colored by values and realities often in conflict with real love and personal freedom. Those same forces are at work within any individual who has failed in the great work of every life-to discover their true self. Whether you're overcoming a troubled childhood, conditional acceptance by others, or negative interactions with other individuals, Love and Freedom: Pathways to Personal Transformation highlights dynamic pathways and choices that bring the individual into connection with the personal realities of love, friendship, moral character, and virtue. Author Philip Ferranti provides tools to assess your life and shares personal change strategies to encourage living life in the present, free from an overactive mind, false identities, negative emotions, and inaccurate ideas. Only when we approach life in an individualized, personal way, seeing ourselves as real people and others as persons in their own right, do we attain anything close to personal freedom. Love and Freedom affirms Ferranti's dynamic vision of spirituality-that "he who would reject another destroys the very bridge over which he, himself, must pass."

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