Lost Times, Times Lost di Tage Seville edito da Christian Faith Publishing, Inc
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Lost Times, Times Lost





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Descrizione Lost Times, Times Lost

This novel follows the unlikely, interconnected, misadventures of a couple of newspaper reporters, a truck driver, a runaway scientist, two missing children on the run, and a mysterious corrupt global enterprise headed by one individual.Imbedded in the plot is one more of the myriad of attempts to examine the age-old adage involving the two provincial schools of thought concerning the origin of life. The first, of life perhaps being the sum of infinite coincidences; the other, of it being the result of an intelligence. This book takes the position of the latter.In taking that position, the author declares the source of the intelligence is identified in scrolls stored in various places of antiquity in the Middle Eastern part of the world. These writings became the basis for our Judeo-Christian Bible.The Christian part of that Bible is identified as the New Testament, which is based on the birth, life, death, resurrection, and purpose of Jesus of Nazareth, who is declared as and who we believe is the Christ God sent to give His life for the salvation of mankind. The book attempts to use modern-day events as examples of Jesus's response to the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well, in John 4, where He addresses the physicality of His Father when He said, "God is a Spirit."The leaf that travels and is captured by a squirrel in the opening chapter is one of the author's examples of how God uses what may appear to us as a coincidence to carry out His will.The ensemble of characters find their lives turned upside-down by a cutting-edge invention that has the power to upend the entire power structure of modern-day economics, closing the wealth gap and rewriting the dynamics of market control. Through it all, they will be challenged to see what is unseen and to be heroes in the truest sense of the word-that is, Good Samaritans.The novel ultimately makes a profound statement identifying what's wrong with the human species through the voices of a visionary group and a wise American president.I hope you will enjoy, be uplifted, and maybe even be blessed by the read.

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