The Lost Mission di Alan Swope edito da iUniverse
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The Lost Mission







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Descrizione The Lost Mission

On May 14, 1965, four sailors took part in a mission to rescue four marines in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. The mission was simple: venture into the jungle and locate the four trapped marines. But soon they were surrounded by the enemy, and the only means of escape was via the sea. Five men were wounded, and one man, John Heartly, not only fired more than two hundred rounds, but also carried a little Vietnamese girl out of the jungle and into safety. Just after the new year of 1988, navy personnel discover a file of yellowed documents wedged between some old filing cabinets. The file holds the records of that May 14, 1965, mission. It narrates the details of the rescue and notes that all of the participants were decorated and given medals, except one-John Heartly. Now, thirty-three years later, the US government intends to rectify the situation. But first they must verify the details and locate the rescued Vietnamese girl; only then can they give Heartly his long-overdue recognition.

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