The Lost Amulet di Mary Farrugia edito da Balboa Press
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The Lost Amulet

Book One of the Stone Bearer Series


Balboa Press





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Descrizione The Lost Amulet

Four gifted children from the Land of Four Stones are all that stand between life on Earth and oblivion. Colt and his minions have entered our realm, Earth, to find the lost Amulet - the key to ultimate power and destruction. In an effort to save both worlds, the leaders of the Land of Four Stones have hidden the children on Earth since infancy until they are ready to fulfill their purpose. Known as the Stone Bearers, the children are raised as humans until the day they are told of their true identities, their responsibility and their destiny as champions of Earth. Bestowed with their magical wands, the Stone Bearers learn of their latent powers; and as they train to gain the confidence they need to wield their magic against their adversaries, the Stone Bearers search for the lost Amulet. The Stone Bearers must find the Amulet to save the world from Colt. The race is on. Who will find the precious Amulet first?

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