Lords Under Reign di Ken Galloway edito da iUniverse
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Lords Under Reign







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Descrizione Lords Under Reign

The year is 2021. Their goal is collective. To quench the thirst of a deteriorating populace beaten by religious wars and coveted genocide. A myriad of races pillaged from the greed and hunger of their last remaining resources. But first, the podium must be cleansed from its filth, purged from their works as the American government disintegrates. World leaders are stepping up to the plate, taking action to unravel the damage that has sustained our planets demise in the years past, and only then their plans can begin. A musician, surfer, lawyer and revolutionary are the men that will not only change the face of government, but will reverse the cataclysmic events that would soon follow the very footsteps that we took in the past. Backed by a global collective for the desire to change in the name of truth, these men embark on a journey to rid the American government of its cancers and make things right for everyone, once and for all!

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