Lord ... Why Me? di Lyne Dahebash edito da iUniverse
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Lord ... Why Me?

Being a Conqueror in the Midst of Pain







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Descrizione Lord ... Why Me?

After a long journey My heart is healed My mind is at peace My soul rejoices No more cries No more pain Fear is under my feet I have faith I've gained strength God is near Having grown up in a dysfunctional family environment in Montreal, Canada, Lyne. was used to overcoming challenges. It was only after she sought professional help and rebuilt her self-esteem that Lyne began to finally see positive changes in her life. But when she was diagnosed with fibroids in 2005, Lyne had no idea that she was about to embark on another difficult journey that would cause her to question everything in her life once again. In her compelling memoir, sprinkled with inspiring Scriptures and quotes, Lyne discloses how, after her diagnosis, she endured hours of surgery. As she attempted to mend her body, anger, hatred, and anxiety paralyzed her; she wondered if she would ever be normal again and questioned her once-unwavering faith. But it was only after she leaned on God's strength and practiced forgiveness that Lyne was able to move forward out of the darkness of pain and into the light of healing. Lord ... Why Me? shares the inspiring story of one woman's journey through hardship as she finally learns to trust God's plan for her life. Lyne Dahebash earned a degree in teaching French as a second language and teaches at a French Immersion school in Ontario. She was an active member of the Montreal Women¿s Ministry Network (MWMN), whose vision is to encourage women to be all of who God declares them to be. Lyne and her husband, live in Ontario Canada.

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